Welcome to Carefree Paws.net

Helping pets (and their owners) to be worry-free and less anxious

  • Is your pet afraid of thunderstorms or fireworks?
  • Does your pet have separation anxiety?
  • Do they regularly or constantly tremble with fear?
  • Does your pet suddenly have issues with urinating inside even though they're house-trained?
  • Or are they not going outside on walks suddenly? 
  • Does your pet react in unpredictable ways and behave erratically? 
  • Does your pet have issues with being overly aggressive and/or vocal?
  • Does your pet show any descructive behavior such as chewing things up or scratching them?
  • Is your current situation forcing you to adapt your life to your pet's needs? 

If you answered "Yes!" to one or more of these questions, I will be able to help. 

All of the mentioned issues stem from an imbalance of energy in your pet, which causes them to be fearful and anxious.

Hello, I'm Phil Verges, and I practice a gentle and ancient acupressure modailty called Jin Shin Jyutsu, which will help your pet to become more grounded and carefree. 

Sometimes these improvements happen really quickly, and sometimes they take more time. 

I have over two decades worth of experience with two-legged beings, and am now expanding my practice to four-legged beings. 

It is time for your pet to become part of your life, to become who they really are underneath their current behavioral issues, as opposed to being reactionary to a recent or old traumatic event  and let that event determine your life together. 

Contact me with this form and let me know what you and your pet need help with. Please be specific when contacting me as to how long or how recent you've noticed the changed behavior in your animal. 

Sessions for your animal will be in-home, where they live. 

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Disclaimer: I am not an animal health doctor or veterinarian. If you notice a sudden change in the behavior of the animal in your care, please visit your animal health professonal. 

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